Forms and applications

Quick access to our services

Common property requests

Common property requests and applications can now be electronically lodged through our forms. Simply hover over the icons to find out more and access the form you need.

All states
Maintenance and repairs

Request maintenance and repairs

Request urgent or non-urgent maintenance and repairs for common property.

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Report damage from an event

Report damage from an event

Report property damage as a result of severe weather or an insurable event.

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Keys and access devices

Request keys and access devices

Request a key, swipe, fob or remote control for your strata property.

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Common property insurance documents

Request common property insurance documents

Get a copy of your common property insurance documents.

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Proxy appointment forms

Access proxy appointment forms

Access and download a proxy appointment form.

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Pet application

Access pet application forms

Apply for keeping a pet online form.

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Maintenance and repairs

Building work and renovation request form

Request building work and renovation for your strata property.

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Refund of debt recovery interest or fees

Request debt recovery interest or fees refund

Request a refund of additional fees or charges incurred due to late payment of levy contributions.

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Payment plan

Payment plan for levies and fees

Submit an online payment plan application for levies and fees to the committee for consideration and approval.

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New South Wales
Strata certificates

Certificate and statement requests

Request a S174 Certificate, S184 Certificate, or Article 30 Company Title Certificate

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Inspection of Scheme Records

Inspection of scheme records (searches)

Obtain detailed building information before purchasing a lot.

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Strata certificates

Certificate and statement requests

Request a S205 Certificate, S206 Certificate, or S40 Certificate (BUGTA).

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Inspection of Scheme Records

Inspection of body corporate records (searches)

Obtain detailed building information before purchasing a lot.

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Strata certificates

Certificate and statement requests

Request a S151 Owners Corporation Certificate.

Access now

Looking for your property’s AGM agenda documents?

Did you know that you can access your property’s last AGM agenda documents if your property is registered with CommunityHub? Simply sign in to your account to get copy of this information or request a portal login here.

If your property does not use CommunityHub, please contact your branch, strata manager, or committee for a copy of your AGM documents.

Helpful resources and services

Our resources are designed to provide you with the tools to help enhance your community across strata, body corporate and owners corporation management. 

Update your contact details

Get in touch if you’ve recently changed any contact details, such as phone number, email, or name, etc., as we’re keen to keep you informed.

Our team provides owners with a range of information and updates throughout the year. This includes meeting notices and voting options as well as levy and fee information. Our team will always use the most recent contact information to distribute this communication.

If your property uses CommunityHub, you can update your contact details through our online portal anytime and anywhere. Simply sign in to your account and submit a request to update your information or register for a portal login here.

If your property does not use CommunityHub, please contact your branch or strata manager to advise them of your updated details.

Service information

Your property’s finances

View your property’s financial information from anywhere, anytime with CommunityHub.

Payment options for levies and fees

Find ways to pay your levies and fees, as well as information on how this money is used.

Understanding financial reports

This user guide assists owners and committee members in understanding and navigating the information within different financial reports.

CommunityHub information and resources

We’re here to help you get started on your CommunityHub journey

Your guide to CommunityHub

Check out our user guides to learn everything you need to know about taking an active role in managing your property and enhancing community living.

Committee member's guide to using CommunityHub
Lot owner's guide to using CommunityHub

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