Removing an abandoned vehicle on your strata common property
Removing an abandoned vehicle on your common property A strata legislative change explains how owners corporations can address the issue of abandoned vehicles on common
Removing an abandoned vehicle on your common property A strata legislative change explains how owners corporations can address the issue of abandoned vehicles on common
The difference between storm damage and flood damage in strata and how they impact strata insurance When severe weather events occur, it’s important to understand
Don’t get your neighbour’s tinsel in a tangle over rubbish this holiday season From 14 November until 24 December 2019, it is predicted Australians will
Changing or adding in a new by-law or building rule Strata, owners corporation, and body corporate properties all have their own set of by-laws or
How to solve smoking disputes in strata Australia has some of the world’s toughest anti-smoking laws, and while it’s now banned in enclosed public areas
What is cladding and why is it important? Understanding the significance and risks that come with cladding for body corporate, owners corporation, and strata properties.
A strata lawyer sheds light on the cladding crisis A Deakin University and Griffith University study found that cladding was one of the most common
How to deal with parking disputes if you’re living in a strata managed property A mistake you don’t want to make is getting on your
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Playing by the rules – tennis court do’s and don’ts A game of tennis can swat your stress away and enhance the quality of community
In a strata property, people from various backgrounds live close to one another and share common property and amenities so it’s not surprising that thoughtless or inconsiderate actions easily affect others around them.
By-laws or rules assist owners and residents to act in a considerate way and be more conscious of others in their community. When they are not followed, it can create problems and frustration.
When an owner or resident continues to breach by-laws or rules even after being approached about the problem by other owners or strata committee members, a formal notice to rectify the breach may be issued. This is known as a Notice to Comply with a By-Law in New South Wales, a Notice to body corporate of a contravention of a body corporate by-law in Queensland, and a Final Notice to Rectify a Breach in Victoria.
How to avoid dealing with a nuisance neighbour in your strata property It’s not unusual to have at least one nuisance neighbour that you may
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