Our expertise in data management, research, investigation, and access to specialised search engines means we can locate people without breaching privacy laws. This makes serving legal documents (process serving) simpler.
Locating people can be challenging. They might regularly change their contact details, making it harder for you to reach them.
To locate people, we use our team of:
At Service with Service, we recognise the challenges that may arise in locating individuals, particularly in complex scenarios. That’s where our specialised private investigation unit steps in.
Our dedicated professionals use your information as a starting point to expand and locate people from the most simple to complex cases in Australia or overseas. Because we focus on end-to-end service, once our private investigation team locates a debtor to recover money, we can arrange payments or serve legal documents.
A process server can deliver legal or formal documents such as debt notices and court summons. If you need a legal document served, call us today so we can assist you immediately.
Our licensed panel of process servers are regularly reviewed and audited, allowing you to feel confident that your documents will be served quickly and cost-effectively.
Service with Service has been serving documents for over 35 years in many different industries and uses various techniques to succeed in even the most difficult situations.
A field call is when a debt collection agent goes to the debtor’s location to confirm their address, discuss the implications of not paying their debt, and arrange to have the debt paid on the spot or via an approved arrangement.
Field calls are conducted by a trained and licensed debt collector following strict regulatory and internal compliance guidelines. This clearly communicates to the person owing the money that your company is serious about the overdue debt and doesn’t intend to write it off.
Inevitably, some debtors will avoid contact by changing addresses, not answering the phone, or changing contact numbers. With debt stress so prevalent, more debtors are moving on or ‘skipping’ their obligations. Service with Service has several tools to locate such debtors.
Service with Service will carry out several specific database searches on behalf of a client. These typically include:
We engage our private investigators when preliminary enquiries have been exhausted.
For more information about our investigatory services, email info@swsaustralia.com.au or call 02 8216 0426.
Our experienced agents have a successful track record in arranging the transfer of security assets or settling overdue payments. Service with Service agents adhere to the ASIC/ACCC Debt Collection Guidelines when conducting field activities. They are trained in the areas of privacy legislation, the Uniform Consumer Credit Code and the Federal Trade Practices Act, which could all affect the process of repossession.
A comprehensive inspection report is compiled, and digital photos are taken during a repossession. We provide our clients with a high level of service and keep them fully informed. Our tow contractors operate under a binding agreement, have all the relevant insurance, and deliver the asset to the nominated storage point as soon as possible.
PICA Group is a unique group of industry specialist businesses with a strong locally-focused branch network across New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania and the Northern Territory.
From strata, body corporate and owners corporation management to legal services, our network provides our customers with access to knowledge and specialists in each area of the property services market.
And in the debt recovery sector, that specialist is Kemps Petersons. As an over and more than 20 years specialising in strata and levy debt, they have the experience, resources and skills to recover your money as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.
Boasting above-market recovery rates, low costs and fast turnaround, this subsidiary company of PICA Group has what it takes to get your strata property back on track and in the black.
PO Box K372, Haymarket NSW 1240
Talk to our team or learn more about Kemps Petersons’ strata debt recovery services by completing the form below.
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Kemps Peterson Pty Ltd ABN 28 001 201 887 is a subsidiary of Prudential Investment Company of Australia Pty Ltd (PICA Group) ABN 84 004 266 817. Service with Service is part of Kemps Peterson Pty Ltd ABN 28 001 201 887 and Kemps Petersons (Vic) Pty Ltd ABN 73 005 566 834.
Links to third-party websites are provided for convenience only. PICA Group and Kemps Petersons do not endorse or accept any responsibility for these websites’ content, use, or availability. PICA Group and Kemps Petersons accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by the use of or reliance on the information, links, or third-party websites.
Head office
Level 27, 66-68 Goulburn Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm